讲座题目:Optimal Pricing and Inventory Control Policy with Quantity-Based Price Differentiation 主讲人:Prof. Ye Lu (City University of Hong Kong) 时间: 2015年5月19日(周二)14:00-15:30 地点: 文科楼1400会议室 主持人:马利军副教授 主讲人简介:Dr. Ye Lu is an assistant professor of management sciences at City University of Hong Kong. He received a PhD in operations research from MIT in 2009, a PhD in mathematics from the University of Notre Dame in 2006 and a Bachelor of Science degree in applied math from Tsinghua University in 2002. His research interest includes supply chain management, revenue management, financial engineering and nonlinear optimization. He has published in leading journals such as Operations Research, Production and Operations Management and SIAM Journal on Optimization. His research won the finalist award of 2009 INFORM George Nicholson student paper competition and the third prize of 2014 CSAMSE annual conference best paper award. 讲座内容简介:A firm facing price dependent stochastic demand aims to maximize its total expected profit over a planning horizon. In addition to the regular unit selling price, the firm can utilize quantity discounts to increase sales. We refer to this dual-pricing strategy as quantity-based price differentiation. At the beginning of each period, the firm needs to make three decisions: replenish the inventory, set the unit selling price if the unit sales mode is deployed, and set the quantity-discount price if the quantity-sales mode is deployed (or the combination of the two modes of sales). We identify conditions under which the optimal inventory control policy and selling/pricing strategy is well structured. Remarkably, under a utility-based demand framework, these conditions can be unified by a simple regularity assumption that has long been used in the auction and mechanism design literature. Moreover, sharper structural results are yielded for the optimal selling strategy. We also examine the comparative advantage of quantity-based price differentiation with respect to model parameters. Our numerical study shows that substantial profit improvement can be gained as a result of shifting from uniform pricing to quantity-based pricing, especially when the product has a low unit ordering cost and high utility. 欢迎感兴趣的师生参加! 深圳大学 新葡的京集团35222vip 管理科学系 2015年5月8日 |