讲座题目:Constant Job-Allowance Policies forAppointment Scheduling: Asymptotic Optimality and Numerical Analysis
时间: 2019年4月24日(周三)
地点:文科楼新葡的京集团35222vip1400 14:30-15:30
We consider the appointmentscheduling problem, which determines the job allowancefor each customer over the planning horizon. In particular, we study a simpleyet effective scheduling policy--the so-called “plateau policy”, whichallocates a constant job allowance for each customer. Prior studies onappointment scheduling suggest a “dome shape” structure for the optimal joballowance, which implies that job allowance does not vary significantly in themiddle of the schedule, but varies at the beginning as well as the end of theschedule. Using a dynamic programming formulation, we derive an explicitperformance gap between the plateau policy and the optimal schedule, andexamine how this gap behaves as the number of appointments increases. We showthat the “plateau policy” is asymptotically optimal with respect to the numberof appointments. We further extend this result to a more general setting withmultiple service types. Numerical experiments show that the “plateau policy” isnear optimal even for a small number of appointments, complementing thetheoretical results we derived. Our result provides a justification and supportfor the “plateau policy”, a commonly used appointment policy in practices.
主要研究兴趣为供应链管理、服务运作管理、信息系统及管理,研究成果发表于OperationsResearch, Management Science, INFORMS Journal on Computing, Mathematics ofOperations Research, Naval Research Logistics和IISE Transactions等学术刊物,2014-2018连续入选Elsevier“中国高被引学者”榜单。
主要学术荣誉包括获“国家杰出青年科学基金”(2011),上海市“优秀学术带头人”(2016)和上海市“育才奖”(2014);2018年POMS HealthcareOM论文竞赛第一名(Winner),2018年INFORMS IBMService Science学生论文竞赛第一名(FirstPlace,导师),2018年INFORMSUndergraduate Student Best Paper Competition优胜奖(Finalist,导师)。
主要学术兼职包括Production andOperations Management杂志的SeniorEditor,《系统管理学报》编委,Journalof Management Analytics的AssociateEditor,中国运筹学会理事/医疗运作管理分会理事长,上海市运筹学会副理事长,中国管理现代化研究会理事,中山大学兼职教授等。